Saturday, November 8, 2014

Introducing our new home

Finally we packed everything from 24 Heritage Dr and moving to our new home, 35 Blue Spruce.

Here is quick peek of new home -

Friday, November 7, 2014

We did it!!

After exhilarative, exhaustive and memorable experience of building a house, I am on Cloud Nine :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Almost there

We are closing on Nov 7th which is less than 2 weeks now. Final walk through will be on 3rd November.

Allmost all the things are in place now, lights, cabinets, counter tops, wall colors, bathroom fixtures on and on and on....

Fresh green lawn is growing. Letter box is also placed.

Front door stained.

Foyer Chandelier‎

Lights on columns.

Cabinets in family room

Chandelier‎ in dinning room

First floor bath vanity

Master bathroom

Master bathroom

Night shot

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Interior - painting started

Painting has started now. Only 3 weeks to go.

Kitchen cabinets and counter tops are also installed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Flooring started

Wooden flooring, one of the big item in selections and concerns. Finally seeing it in action

Garage doors are also installed now